Pothos is one the favorite indoor plants for commercial spaces like offices, malls, restaurants because it is easy to grow.
There are many varieties of lush, green live pothos plants available in the market. Here are the five varieties we recommend.
Marble Queen Pole Pothos - The creamy green and white foliage is conducive to grow in tropical and temperate climates. The plant is hard to kill and grows fast.
Jade Pothos - Renowned for its heart-shaped, dark green leaves, the plant creates a cozy and inviting setting. They grow very quickly, about 12 to 18 inches of length in a month.
Pothos Golden - The heart-shaped green leaves have yellow variegation, hence, the name. It climbs up the walls creating a rich and sophisticated look.
Neon Pothos - The stunning neon green foliage separates the plant from other pothos’ varieties. It instantly adds color to any dull room.
Pothos Marble Queen - A pothos variety for your luxurious settings. Broad, oval shaped leaves with pointed tips create a rich and sense look.
Here are 7 basic tips to help you take care of your pothos plant across varieties.
Your Pothos Plant Should Receive Adequate Sunlight
Most pothos plants require bright, indirect sunlight, especially the variegated varieties. In low light, the plants can lose their variegated leaf patterns.
Direct sunlight can be harmful for the plants. It can dry up the plant and kill it. It can discolor or burn the leaves as well.
You can also grow the plant with the help of a grow light. A temperature above 50℉ is ideal.
Soil for the Pothos Plant
Pothos plant is usually compatible with most soil types. We recommend that you don’t use regular garden soil as it can be too heavy.
You have to keep four properties in mind while picking soil. It should be nutrient-rich, well-draining, moisture-retaining, and facilitate aeration.
You can create such soil by combining potting soil with peat moss and perlite.
Take two parts of a potting mix and mix one part of perlite in it. Alternatively, take one part of cacti soil, mix one part of compost and one part of peat moss.
These mixes hold the moisture for longer and hence are perfect for dry and arid conditions. If your property is in a tropical, humid climate, add a part of coarse sand to the mix to help with the drainage and aeration of soil.
The Pot Should Be 1-2 Inches Wider Than the Root Ball
Nothing is worse for the pothos plant than wet soil. This can lead to root rot. To avoid this, pick a pot with a drainage hold at the bottom. It removes any excess water.
You can use a clay pot. It dries the soil quicker. However, your plant will require more watering. If you are confident that you won’t overwater, you can go for a plastic container as it helps retain moisture.
Propagate Your Pothos Through Stem Cuttings
Create your own pothos garden starting with just one plant. One of the best parts about having a fast-growing plant is that you can propagate it.
Pick a healthy vine. Look at the leaves to judge whether the vine is healthy or not.
Cut the vine above a root node. The stem should be 4-6 inches long with at least 2-3 leaves on it.
Place the vine in a small pot or in a glass of water.
After a few weeks, you’ll observe that the plant has begun to grow.
Keep the Top Soil Dry
The pothos plant likes being dry. Hence, you have to be extra careful while watering.
Don’t empty the watering can all at once. Water and wait. When the top 1 inch of soil begins to try, dip your thumb into the soil to judge if the plant needs more water.
How often you water depends on the climate. The plant needs more water in the summer and less in winter. On average, you can water the pothos plant once or twice a week.
Observe the leaves. If they start to droop, it is time to water.
Fertilize Every 1-3 Months
The trick with fertilizers is to not overdo it.
If you are using a potting mix, it already has fertilizer pre-mixed. So, you don’t have to fertilize the plant for the next six months.
You can use any all-purpose fertilizer. We recommend using a water-soluble fertilizer because it is easy. Follow the instructions on the package.
Fertilizing the pothos plant is important as it is a fast growing plant. Hence, it absorbs nutrients from the soil quickly. Fertilize during spring and summer when the plant grows. You can choose not to fertilize during fall and winter.
Repot Every Year
You need to repot the plant regularly because it grows so fast. A new pot gives the roots space to grow.
Generally, the plant has to be repotted every year. This maintains the health of the plant as well.
If you don’t repot, the roots will grow around the inside of the pot and become tangled. This can slow down the growth and also prevent the plant from absorbing water and nutrients.
Repotting is simple. Remove the plant from the old pot and place some potting mix into the new pot to plant the pothos. The new pot should be a few inches larger than the old pot.
Water the soil in the new pot till it runs out of the bottom. After the soil settles, add some more on the top.
Pests like spider mites and mealybugs can become a problem with pothos. Root rot is also a problem which can turn the leaves yellow and stunt growth.
You can contact us at Plantscape Live to help you out with such problems. We can help you with watering the plant in the right way to prevent root rot, trim the plant, do pest control and more.