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How To Grow Dracaena

Dracaenas are some of the most beautiful and hardy plants that can thrive both indoors and outdoors. Not to mention, their gorgeous foliage makes any space stand out.

No wonder you are looking for ways to grow it.

Read on to find out the best way to grow a Dracaena and how to care for it.

Most Popular Dracaena Types

Dracaena Medusa

Long, narrow leaves that are light green when young. Develops into a deep green once older. Does well in low light. Water sparingly.

Dragon Green Jewel

Compact, deeply-ridged bright green leaves. Low to indirect light does it well. Allow soil to dry up to 75%, before watering again.

Dracaena Janet Craig

Narrow, glossy green leaves. Dense foliage that grows beautifully upright. Can tolerate low light well. Water sparingly.

Dracaena Lisa Cane

Tall and slim, tubular trunk. Dark green glossy leaves. Prefers bright to medium sunlight. But can make do with low light conditions as well. Water once every three days.

Dracaena Marginata Braid

Spiky, narrow leaves. Long woody stems and round little tufts of dark green foliage. This is one of the plants that can be braided. Young stems can be weaved around each other to create a stunning effect.

Well drained soil does it good. Survives in low light conditions as well. Water twice weekly for best results.

Dracaena Tarzan

Sword shaped foliage. Characterized by thick leaves that are slightly tipped in pink. Its watering requirements are the same as other Dracaenas. It can survive well in medium to low light conditions.

What kind of soil do Dracaenas love?

First things first. In order to see the best growth in your plants, soil is an important factor. Soil that is perfect for them!

Dracaenas absolutely love rich, well-drained soil. LIke most house plants. A large pot with good drainage is the key to having a healthy plant. The soil pH should be between neutral to acidic for best results.

Secret Tip: Use garden soil with added compost or any other organic fertilizer when you first plant your Dracaena.

Later, use organic matter or kitchen fertilizer every 2 to 3 months. Do not fertilize in winters.

Growing Dracenas from Cuttings

If you are thinking of propagating a Dracaena from cuttings, follow the steps below to have a healthy plant growing in no time.

Get a sharp stem cutter

Cut just below the bunch of leaves at the top

Make cure to include a node

Put the cut end in a shallow dish of water

Put it in a warm place and avoid touching it

You will see roots emerging within 10 to 14 days

When the roots are between one to two inches, you can plant them

Put them in a warm space, with plenty of indirect sunlight

Make sure to water regularly for the first couple of weeks

Later, water only when the top soil is dry

Bringing home a little one from the nursery

If you are purchasing a Dracaena from your local nursery, almost half your work is done. This is an easy-to-care-for plant. All you need to do is follow the watering schedule, and let it get some indirect sunlight.

Pruning tips for Dracenas

Dracenas respond really well to pruning. And that’s a good thing, because you do not want a 10 foot tall plant in your house. Remember the below tips for pruning your Dracenas:

Prune your Dracaena during spring or summer, when they are in their growing phase

Use a sharp knife or pruners

Identify which stems and branches you want to cut off

Cut the branches you have selected for pruning at an angle

Remove any dead branches and stems

Frequent Care Tips

Use an indoor plant fertilizer for your plant. Do not fertilize in the winters. Let the plant remain in a dormant state during these months.

Water only when the top soil is dry to the touch.

Regularly trim off brown spots or edges with a sharp, clean knife

For the removal of an entire brown leaf, cut right at the stem

Try to use fluoride-free water for watering your Dracaenas. Or let your water sit overnight in a vessel before using it. Rainwater, if you can manage it, can do wonders for your Dracaena.

Keep it away from air vents or open windows during winters

Rotate your plant on regular intervals of a month or so to ensure even growth on all sides

Dust the leaves once in a while, and spritz lightly with a sprayer

Long-term Care tips

If you see any brown tips on the leaves and your plant seems droopy, you are overwatering it. Let it dry completely to the touch, before watering.

Re-pot your plant once every two years. Use a pot that will give it enough space to grow for two more years. Consider a pot that is 4 inches larger than the current pot.

Re-pot during spring or summer, not during winters

Dracaenas can survive in low light conditions, making them perfect for offices, homes, restaurants and more. And they can actually handle neglect quite well. 

So even if you forget to water it sometimes, no need to worry. Your plant will be just fine.

Remember that even in the best of conditions, the leaves of a Dracaena only have a life of two to three years. These will start to turn yellow and eventually fall off. But, don’t worry. There will be plenty more to take its place.

There are more than a 100 species of Dracaena plants. The above tips and advice are perfect for most of them. Before growing a Dracaena make sure to find out which Dracaena it is that you have gotten. Do a little more research, and you will be able to get highly specific care tips for them.

Now that you know what exactly to do and what to avoid, your Dracaena plants are sure to grow up to be the pride of your collection. - acarbet - casinofast - - acarbet - casinofast - mavibet