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Rooftop Trees to Look Out for in Your Terrace Garden

We sit on the terrace gazing at the stars, thinking about the future and venturing into the unknown. We won’t do that deep. We just wanted to make you think about a terrace. Well, the terrace is one of the favourite places of most people if not all. We love to be on the rooftop and enjoy the breeze and view.

But do you know what can make your time on the terrace more interesting as well as soothing? Plants – yes plants. Having small potted plants on the terrace is nothing new but you can have more. Have you ever thought of the variety of plants you can have on your office terrace?

Having trees on the terrace is an amazing idea – it adds height and drama to your garden. This becomes even more interesting when you want to have trees for your office rooftop garden. Along with this, you bring an environment of peace and happiness to your employees. Rooftop trees might make them forget about the work for a while and rejuvenate among the soft breeze and rustling of tree leaves. Therefore, let’s go through this list created with love and find out the most amazing plants you can have.

Japanese Maple

Traditionally large and grown in open spaces, maple trees might come as a surprise when we talk of them as suitable rooftop trees. Also, you need to watch the weight of your rooftop plants as well. And here, ornamental trees like Japanese maple make the cut for the best.


The next ornamental tree on the list will enhance the complete layout with its alluring flowers, Frangipani comes in different colours like pink, yellow and red. You just need to make sure there are no strong winds and excessive water. The subtle scent will make it even more pleasant.


On to the next ornamental vine, it is one of the most loved plants in the world. You can grow them in small-sized pots, containers or in hanging baskets to enhance the look of your terrace garden. And, did you know they can grow easily on fence lines as well?

River Birch

A fast-growing tree widely popular in landscaping projects, River Birch comes with semi-arching branches that are exceptionally good for providing shade. Being a very adaptive species, they have a high tolerance when it comes to non-optimal growing conditions. And, this is what makes them one of the best for roof gardens.

Desert Willow

If you are on a hunt for the most colourful rooftop trees adorned with beautiful flowers, desert willows come in as the best option you might have. The blooming flowers come in in the spring followed by the berries in summer. And, you don’t need to take intensive care too. 

Mountain Ebony

This flowering ornamental tree is the one that you might want for your terrace garden. Highly distinguishable with its pink and white colour, this tree is amazing. Adding to this, it can be added to a lot of recipes too but we need it for the garden so doesn’t matter.


Varieties and colours – Hibiscus can hold a special place in your rooftop garden. Enhancing the beauty of your garden, they are easy to grow – whether in small or hanging pots. Flowering throughout the year, you can make your rooftop garden a treat to the eyes by adding hibiscus to it.


An amazing one with very tough textured flowers and an appealing look, they can grow on the terrace garden without much difficulty - Magnolia. Just for information, these are used for culinary properties along with medical usage. Partial sunlight is enough and growing it in pots can hold additional watering.

Day Lily

Fairly hardy and consistent blooms make daylilies a great addition to the rooftop garden while adding some stunning colours to it. These come with pinkish lavender blooms and have great fun in the full sun. What’s better than the terrace than daylilies? So, get ready to enjoy it just about anywhere.

Japanese Wisteria

Well, another one from the Japanese folio. Fragrant blooms hanging like grapes, this showy wisteria is the much-admired woody vine. And, they’ll reward you even more with a trio of bloom times in the growing season. And, it will be a great accent over the rooftop of your office.

Climbing Hydrangea

With the vines of this self-adhering plant being decorated by creamy white blossoms, climbing hydrangeas can reach an astonishing height of 60 feet long. Moreover, they are easy to prune and reward you with springtime flowers and stunning autumn colour transformation – watch the green leaves turn into a bright yellow.

Gold Flame Honeysuckle

A great way to attach some stunning butterflies and hummingbirds to your rooftop garden is Gold Flame Honeysuckle. Bloomers of the late spring, honeysuckles have deep magenta blossoms and are incredibly fragrant. The vines can reach about 20 feet making it a good fit for the rooftop porch structure.


When we talk about the ornamental grass-size spectrum, Maidengrass can reach an amazing height of 7 feet. And, know that they do their best in full sun and can be best used in the back of your rooftop garden border. Maybe you can plant multiple rows to hide an unsightly view.

Whether you want plants for the rooftop deck or the complete terrace, you can have it your way. There’s no one to stop or is there? And, on your hunt for the best trees for rooftop gardens, you can always take help from Plantscape LIVE, the best plant service company you can come across.

We commit ourselves to getting the best trees for rooftop gardens for you and curating a stunning landscape all along. Well, that’s not all, we have exceptional plant rental and indoor plant care services as well – just in case. Let’s make your dream of having the most stunning office rooftop trees, or maybe a garden true. Let’s join forces and materialize your dreams. - acarbet - casinofast - - acarbet - casinofast - mavibet