Bird of Paradise

Bird Of Paradise

Is it a bird? Is it a plant? It’s a Bird of Paradise plant. A highly unusual, stunning and well-known tropical flower, Strelitzia reginae also known as Cane Flower is a sight to behold. Native to South Africa, this plant gets its name from the highly unusual yet distinctive flowers that look like brightly colored birds in flight. One of the most spectacular and eye-catching plants around, Bird of Paradise is a vigorous, rapidly growing indoor plant with beautiful, orange, crane-like flowers. Featuring leaves ranging from 12 to 18 inches, Bird of Paradise plants grow upright with no trunk and leaves emerge directly from the soil. Some of the most graceful and dramatic plants around, there is no other plant that will lend a bolder tropical flair to your space. Below is a guide on how to care for Bird of Paradise plants indoors and outdoors. 

Bird of Paradise Plant Care

Bird of Paradise plants require a little bit of extra care if you want them to look their best throughout the year. But let us assure you that it is totally worth the effort. 

Hardiness zone – Bird of Paradise plants can be successfully grown indoors where they typically reach up to 5 to 6 feet in height. They are hardy in USDA zones 10 to 12, but cooler regions can use them in containers outdoors in summer and move them indoors during cooler temperatures. 

Light and Temperature Requirements – Bright light including some direct sunlight is what makes Bird of Paradise plants bloom well. They bloom most profusely in full sun, but make sure that indoor plants are away from southern windows to avoid burning. Do not place your Bird of Paradise plant with only a north-facing window. Optimal temperatures for them range from 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit during daytime and 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night. These plants prefer high humidity and recover slowly from frost damage.  

Water Requirements – You need to water Bird of Paradise plants every 1-2 weeks. Allow the soil to dry between waterings. Plants that are subject to brighter light require more watering whereas those that are in lower light require less. If the leaves farthest from the center start turning yellow, then it’s a sign of underwatering. 

Feeding – Bird of Paradise plants require a lot of food. Feed them in the springtime with slow-release pellets or weekly during the growing season with liquid fertilizer. - acarbet - - acarbet - casinofast