Neanthe Bella Palm

Palm Neanthe Bella

Aesthetic and beautiful, indoor live palm plants can greatly enhance the value of your property. Did you know that over 2500 species of palm trees exist in the world? Palm plants belong to the Arecaceae family. There are several staples that come from palm trees; Acai fruit, dates, coconut, betel nuts, and of course palm oil, are all produced by palm trees.

Neanthe Bella Palm

The Neanthe Bella Palm Plant is beautiful and known for its ability to purify air. Additionally, they don’t grow very much so you don’t need to worry about them outgrowing any space.

Since we’ve mentioned palm trees, you must be wondering if palm trees and palm plants are the same. Truth is, not all palm trees are palm plants. For instance, sago palm, yucca palm, traveler’s palm, and Torbay palm are considered to belong to the Arecaceae family, but they don’t!

You can also make wine from palm plants. Known as “kallu” in Africa and Asia, palm wine is actually a common alcoholic drink.

Palm plants are known for their height. They can grow up to 197 feet! The tallest tree in the world, The Quindio wax palm, hails from Colombia.

Here’s something else that might interest you. So, according to history, palm branches were a representation of triumph and victory. This is why they were often gifted to champions of wars and games.

Palm Plant Care

Light and Temperature Requirements: Avoid direct sunlight. Palm plants are pretty low-maintenance but do require some amount of care to ensure they thrive. Try to keep your indoor palm plants in partial shade or an area at home that doesn’t receive much sunlight.

Palm plants can survive in temperatures as low as 50 degrees. But, it’s better if you can keep them in regular room temperatures between 65-80 degrees.

Soil Conditions: Palm plants grow best in moist soil. So, we suggest you water these plants several times a week.

Water Requirements: As mentioned above, these plants require frequent watering. This means, you must water them every day in their first week when they’re new. For the next week, water them every other day. Finally, you can water them three times a week for the third week. Once your plant is entirely settled, you can water them 2 or 3 times a week, or when the first 1 or 2 inches of the soil is fully dry.

Food Requirements: Apply the initial dose of palm fertilizer in early spring, and the second dose in midsummer. Usually, palm plants grow very well when fertilized about 1-3 times a year. - acarbet - casinofast - - acarbet - casinofast - mavibet