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How to Care for a Peace Lily Plant Indoors

If you’re planning to add plants indoors, Peace Lily could be the best choice. It's one of the top 10 plants that can effectively clean the air in your office or commercial space. Also, people seem to love it because it is easy to handle indoors. 

Lily plants also have white spathe bracts, which thus cover the spadix (a spike with small flowers on a fleshy stem) in the spring, which are very pretty.

There are many different sizes as well as types of Peace Lilies. Most can grow three feet tall and wide with big, bold leaves as a floor plant. 

Mauna loa supreme, a Spathiphyllum hybrid, is the most common type of middle-sized plant. Four feet tall, it has bronze-green leaves with a lot of big, cupped spathes. Here are a few tips to care for Peace Lilies indoors

Tips to care for Peace Lily indoors

  1. Low-light works best for Peace Lilies

    A plant-like Peace Lily is a good choice for low-light areas because they can grow in full or part sun. The Peace Lily is a good plant to have on your desk at work. They can also handle fluorescent lights.

    To keep the leaves of Peace Lilies clean, you should either wash them or wipe them down once a year. This will make it better at converting sunlight into electricity.

    If you want to wash the plant, you can either put it in a bathtub and give it a quick shower or put it in a sink and let the water run over the leaves.

    The leaves of your Peace Lily plant could also be cleaned with a damp cloth. However, keep away from commercial leaf shine products because they can make the plant's pores get blocked up with them.

    peace lily

  2. Don’t be too hard on the watering

    A lot of water is what Peace Lilies like. They also need time to dry out after. When thirsty, the plant will bend down. You could even plan to water one day before it usually does.

    You should water Peace Lilies about once a week during the summer and spray the leaves with water to keep them from drying out. If your plant looks like it's going to die, don't give up.

    Water and spritz it, and give it a chance to get back to life. If your water has a lot of chlorine in it, let a container of water stand for a few hours before you water your plant.

  3. Use plant food/fertilizers in different frequencies depending on the season

    During the spring and summer, add our organic fertilizer to the top layer of soil every two months. This will help your plants grow at their best.

    Take a break from fertilizing your plants in the fall and winter so they can rest and grow.

    In most cases, Peace Lilies don't bloom until they're fully grown. Growers use gibberellic acid, a natural plant hormone, to make their plants flower early.

    Add this hormone to your fertilizer mix, or wait until your plants are fully grown.

  4. Peace Lilies need high humidity

    Because of the thick layers of plant life above, the level recognized as the forest floor, where Peace Lilies grow, stays very humid because the dense vegetation blocks the sun.

    There will not be daily changes in temperature and water transfer to the air that happens in places more exposed to the sun. It's also not very humid in this well-protected area because there isn't much air movement.

    To make your working place act like a tropical rainforest floor, use such methods or a humidifier to make it more humid.

    Furthermore, take care of your Peace Lily from any and everything air currents, which will dry out the plant and make it less likely to get the high humidity it needs.

  5. Make a contingency plan for pests and browning

    Small pests, like spider mites, aphids, and leaves that turn yellow or brown, could be problems for Peace Lily caretakers.

    Clean the leaves afterward and spray them with insecticidal soap to eliminate pests. Unfortunately, this can mean that the plant is getting far too much light.

    Plants may be getting quite so much water or fertilizer if their tips start to turn yellow or turn brown.

    Even if you don't see any bugs right away, you can wipe them away with rubbing alcohol if they start to appear. For example, brown spots, white webs, and sticky slime can be wiped away with rubbing alcohol before the bugs get out of hand.

    tips to take care of peace lily

  6. Peace Lilies can be toxic to animals

    It's from the spathiphyllum family, and Peace Lilies aren't true lilies (Liliaceae) because they don't have the same toxic power as real lilies. However, since they have calcium oxalate, they are dangerous to cats and dogs.

    It's important to keep Peace Lilies away from animals and small children because they can be dangerous. People aware of the risks will be less likely to get into trouble. 

  7. Propagating Peace Lilies

    If you love your Peace Lily plant and want to share it, the best way to do so is to split it into parts. Then, when plants are ready to grow, this separation works best most of the time.

    Remove the plant from its pot, rinse the soil from its rhizomes, & pull or cut some of these rhizomes off each other, making sure each section has enough foliage for a new plant. You can now give your single plant away as a gift or decorate another part of your house with it.


How do you take care of a peace lily indoors?

Peace lilies prefer a calm, moist, and dim environment. Therefore when indoors, it’s better to place your plants away from direct sunlight. These are tropical plants and thrive in humid conditions and consistently watered soil.

Is a peace lily an indoor or outdoor plant?

Although primarily grown indoors, peace lilies can also be great for outdoor settings. Plant them in a shaded region with proper drainage. They prefer a warm climate and can be damaged if the temperature slides below 16℃.

How often do you water an indoor peace lily plant?

Peace lilies require consistently moist soil. Although they can withstand dry spells, watering them once or twice a week can help keep your plant healthy. They are also communicative and would droop their leaves whenever they need watering. 

Should I cut the brown tips off my peace lily?

If the tips of your peace lilies are turning brown, that might be an indication of poor drainage. It’s safe to prune the brown stalks, as the new and healthy stalks would soon sprout from the base. If the browning persists, prune off the affected parts.

Are coffee grounds good for peace lilies?

Coffee grounds can act as an excellent fertilizer for your peace lily plant. They’re high in nutrients, and their acidic nature helps balance the pH of the soil. When used in potted plants, coffee grounds can also help to ward off pests. 

Do peace lilies need big pots?

Peace lilies are great for indoors, given how little space they require. The planters don’t usually require pots bigger than their root balls. Ideally, any pot smaller than 10 inches would be an excellent fit for your peace lilies.

How do I know if my peace lily is overwatered?

When overwatered, the leaves of peace lilies start acquiring a shade of faded yellow. This symptom is accompanied by dropping of leaves, spot diseases, and browning of roots. Poor drainage, overpotting, or excessive watering are the usual culprits behind this condition.

How do I get my peace lily to flower?

The first step in making your peace lily bloom starts with maintaining well-drained and moist soil. Flowers mightn’t appear if the plant is receiving insufficient sunlight. Increasing exposure to light, fertilizer and better humidity can accelerate the growth of flowers.

What do brown tips on a peace lily mean?

Brown tips are the biggest sign of a possible irrigation problem with your planter. It indicates either the plant is getting more or less than required watering. Peace lilies might also start having brown tips with excessive use of fertilizers or if there’s an unnatural rise in humidity. 

How long do peace lilies live?

The lifespan of a peace lily depends on various factors, with sunlight and water being just two of them. As long as they are cared for, peace lilies can easily last for four to five years. 

Can a peace lily recover from overwatering?

Overwatering can be detrimental to your peace lily. First, move it to a shaded area and treat the rotting root to restore its health. Next, pot it with a fresh potting mix and ensure proper drainage. It can take a peace lily anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks to recover, depending on the extent of the damage.

Why is my peace lily drooping even after watering?

This is a sign of overwatering your peace lily. A swampy pot can drown your plant and make it harder for them to breathe as it closes all the air pockets. To help your plant recover, repot it after draining most of the excess water.


Although it can be a task to care for Peace Lily indoors, it’s not impossible. It doesn't need a lot of direct light and can grow in rooms with no windows at all. 

It can come back after a long drink and be as healthy as before. If you take care of it and wipe its leaves a few times, it doesn't seem to attract as many bugs as roses and other plants in the house. Also, the Peace Lily can give your office a new look and a clean smell. - acarbet - casinofast - - acarbet - casinofast - mavibet