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How to Use Plants in Interior Design?

Before a word more, 4 interesting facts for you to mull over:

Indoor plants increase productivity by up to 15%.

The absence of nature and natural light in workplaces leads to 10% of sick leaves. 

Looking at the color green (remind us, what’s the predominant color in the indoor plants again?) for two seconds boosts creativity.

Indoor plants absorb sounds and thereby lower the distraction of background noises as well.

Alright, you’re convinced about including indoor plants in interior design. However, what’s the best way to do it? This article offers the answer.

In the next five minutes, learn 8 ways to use plants in interior design:

Why should you stick to one style

Why should you use a plant as a focal piece 

Why should you vary the plant sizes 

Why should you choose easy to grow plants

Why should you choose plants that enjoy high humidity for the bathroom

Why should you choose low-light plants for workspaces

Why should you choose indoor plants with colorful leaves and flowers

Why should you enhance the plant’s looks with plant stands 

8 ways to use plants in interior design 

Stick to One Style

Will you ever wear a formal jacket, shorts, and dress shoes together? Of course not. Similarly, interior plant design must stick to one style. A predominant theme helps to construct a classy and coherent look for the interior. 

Here are a few ideas you can try for your office plant design:

A fan of the farmhouse look? Go for functional plants such as Eucalyptus, succulents, arrowhead vines and herbs. Place the plants in repurposed pots or vintage metal planters.

Love the mid-century modern style? Choose oversized plants such as a rubber tree or fiddle leaf fig plant. Opt for tall-legged planters for a complete look.

Adore an eclectic look? Consider small plants such as flowering houseplants, vine plants, and succulents.    

Use a Plant as a Focal Piece

Ask an interior designer using plants as focal pieces, and they’ll tell you large plants are the winner in this segment. Thus, go for indoor plants such as :


Fiddle leaf fig

Bird of paradise


Dracaena Marginata 

Add extra ‘framing’ with additional details around the plant such as placing showpieces beside the plant. The process helps accentuate the focal piece. Furthermore, make sure the plant is always well-lit.

You can choose a moderate-size plant and place it inside a plant stand to add extra height as well. 

Vary the Plant Sizes

How do you style interior plants? Follow the Rule of Three. 

The Rule of Three states we find things arranged in odd numbers more appealing, memorable, and effective than even-numbered groupings. 

Thus, place three plants that have different sizes together. Furthermore, you can go for different colored plants as well. The process creates visual interest and contrast; thereby attracting people’s attention. 

Choose simple planters over planters with intricate designs to make sure the setting isn’t jarring to the eye.

Choose Easy to Grow Plants

Imagine this scenario. You have back to back meetings with your colleagues. You must submit a presentation within a couple of hours. And you must prepare that excel sheet your boss is asking for for the past three days. 

Will you have time to water the plants or apply fertilizer in such a busy schedule? Furthermore, hiring someone to do the task is an added burden to the business finances. 

Thus, design your interior with plants that are easy to grow. Here are a few indoor plants you can go for:


ZZ plant

Philodendron heartleaf

Hedgehog aloe

Dracaena giganta 

Choose Plants That Enjoy High Humidity for the Bathroom

The steamy showers you adore add extra humidity to the bathroom. Thus, choose plants that thrive in high humidity. Here are a few plants you can go for:

Peace lily

Boston fern

Spider plant

English Ivy


Furthermore, the indoor plants absorb humidity from the air as well. The process protects you from all the health concerns you would’ve faced otherwise. All of it without buying a dehumidifier.

Need more reason to add these plants in your interior design styles?

Choose Low-Light Plants for Workspaces

Harvard Business Review confirmed over a third of employees never get enough natural light in their workspaces.

Thus, if you bring commercial interior plants such as Ponytail Palm or Ming Aralia at such places, you’ll end up with a withered plant.

The solution? Introduce plants that thrive on low light in the indoor plant design. You can go for these indoor plants:

Nerve plant

ZZ plant


Dracaena Massangeana

Lucky Bamboo

Choose Indoor Plants with Colorful Leaves and Flowers

Indoor plants with colorful leaves and flowers add striking colors and patterns to the setting. Here are a few options you can go for:

Want to add bright blooms? Go for indoor plants such as begonias, African violets, kalanchoe, and bromeliads.

Prefer traditional indoor plants with colorful leaves? Choose indoor plants such as croton, Chinese evergreen, nerve plants, and calathea.

Enhance the Plant’s Looks with Plant Stands

Plant stands are crucial in interior design plant placement as the plant stands add personality. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Use plant stands to elevate plants in the corner of the room or behind the sofa. 

Have a multi-level plant stand? Place the larger plant on the bottom shelves and the smallest ones on the top shelves.

Choose a plant stand with in-built grow lights if the plant needs more light.

Plants in Interior Design — Which Are the Right Plants to Choose?

Your choice of indoor plants must depend on your needs and circumstances. However, here are a few best plants for interior design:

Snake plant


ZZ plant

Succulents and Cacti


Spider plant

We hope the information on how to use plants in interior designing will offer you quite a few plant interior design ideas.