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restaurant logo design

If the customers stay glued to their phones instead of checking out your restaurant logo, you miss out on establishing the brand image.

Live plants offer the perfect solution. In the next five minutes, learn three ways to use live plants in enhancing your restaurant logo design.  

Live plants enhancing your restaurant logo design — use the brand colors

Do restaurant logos convey meaning? Absolutely. Best restaurant logos use colors that influence the message your brand exudes. For example, green signifies security, balance, and a connection to nature. Thus, use the brand colors in your plants to further establish your brand image. 

However, choose different tones of the same color so the logo doesn’t blend in with the plants. Here are a few plants you can use to highlight the company colors used in restaurant logos and names:

Red — Cyclamen, Anthurium.

Pink — Tillandsia, Azalea.

Lime Green — Neon Pothos, Succulents.

Live plants enhancing your restaurant logo design — hang the logo in front of a living wall

Living walls offer a brilliant focal point for your customers. Thus, hanging the logo in front of the living wall will draw attention to the logo with ease. 

Furthermore, the living walls surrounding the fancy restaurant logo gives off a ‘green’ vibe.   

Live plants enhancing your restaurant logo design — use unique plants

Money plants. Peace lilies. Lucky bamboos. 

Customers have seen these plants in every other restaurant. You can’t bring attention to your logo using these familiar plants. Thus, use unique plants. 

Here are some of the unique plants you can use around your modern restaurant logo design:

String of Pearls

Donkey Tails

Zig Zag or Fishbone Cactus

Sticks on Fire

Sweetheart Hoya

Choose plants that reinforce the brand consistency

Choosing consistent brand colors hike brand recognition up to 80%. Furthermore, brand consistency increases the average revenue up to 23%. 

Now that you know three ways to use live plants in enhancing your restaurant logo design, use the knowledge to upscale your business. - acarbet - casinofast - - acarbet - casinofast - mavibet